Money Server Engineering

Most of the people—they have fancy ideas in the evening. But when they wake up in the day, they go back to do the same job. We have to do something different.

My Banking Story

Hello, my name is Astra (An SQL Server Developer) and I grew up hating money. It was always a subject of tension in my family, no matter how much or how little there was, and that created a lot of unhappiness. At a young age I realized it was necessary, but wasn’t why the world went round.

When I got to college and adulthood hit me, I decided I wanted a stable 30-hour job with benefits. Out of nowhere one day, a teller from a bank in USA, they asked me if I need a job or would consider working for them as a bank server developer. I told her I had never thought about it, but would like to learn more. Needless to say, before I knew it I was hired and experiencing a new world. My major in college was physics, but I couldn’t help feeling I had made the right choice after I saw the positive impact I could have with overseeing the creation of software for a variety of purposes including businesses, personal use, or social networking.

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After a couple of years the bank kept growing electronically, and I felt the touch of personal experience had been lost along with the more traditional way of banking. Shortly after—on a whim—I applied at to another bank, a community bank. There I regained that happy feeling once again. I met some superiors who opened my eyes to some sophisticated methods of bank server development. My job description was to test databases, performs bug fixes, fixes any issues related to performance as well as provides solutions for corrective measure to be put into place, so we could better our customers’ banking needs.

superior bank server developersOne of my superiors (Ben) decided to quit his job, and after some years we had no news about him; he became a ghost in the city because no one could reach him. I felt bad for months because he was closer to me than the others, and we had a good relationship outside of our working space in the bank.

On September 10, 2003, I received an email from an unknown sender with the subject line, “Astra, it’s time. Meet me up by 6pm in a specific restaurant.” I was a little nervous at this point, but I mustered the courage to go because the message kept coming into my phone every hour that day.

As I got to the restaurant, I received an email telling me to sit down at the table on the left side of the bar section of the venue, and I did as instructed. Five minutes later, a man with a black hood and dark sunglasses walked up to me, and at this point I thought I would be kidnapped. The only sound I could hear was that of my own heart pounding loudly in my ears. As he approached, he said, “Astra Relax, its me Ben,” and I was delighted to see him because we had a father-son relationship at work. 

Ben had only a few minutes to talk to me, and he started by saying, “Astra, I would like you to join my team as a private bank server developer, and I will show you some loopholes in the system on how to create clean money transfers to any bank account in the globe.” At this point, it was as if I was sitting before Bill Gates, because he spoke with such confidence, and I could tell he was just because he was smelling like money. I asked him to give me some time to think about it, and he said, “In 24 hours, write me on this personal email.”

ben hired meIt was a difficult decision for me to make, but I had to resign from the bank and accept Ben’s proposal because I believed so much in his skills and experience. After a week, he booked my flight to Russia, and there he introduced me to some extremely sophisticated hackers and developers with limited self-developed software and apps that grant access to initiate transfers to different banking accounts, including PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, Western Union, and more.

After 5 months of leaving the banks, I was hired by some very powerful businessmen to inject funds into their businesses and save them from debt through the secret development of bank servers for them and then scanning for money transfers, which I sent to their company bank accounts. It was 100% safe and secure because we deleted the transaction logs from the bank server, so they don’t have any problems with the bank or the law.

Some of our recent activities were in 2022, and our team funded a new customer who is a businessman from the United States, but he buys a lot of things from China. After negotiating a price with his vendors, he collected their bank details to make a payment of $3,800,000.

HIREDHe provided us with his vendor account, and for a small 10% fee, we wired $3.8 million USD to his business partners in China, who received the money without any problems, and our customer, Mr. Richard, got his goods worth $3.8 million USD. Our customer only paid $380,000, and his business partner received $3.8 million.

Several times we sent wire transfers to car dealerships, and our customer would just go pick up his new car. You pay us to build bank servers and send money to your account


best team of hackers onlineThe reason I am putting this information out there is to help those who are ready to move their lives and businesses forward. This is mostly for startups and business owners who have an interest in making good use of the money that will be sent to their account (we don’t encourage wasters). The total number of people we want to help this year is five. This is to reduce or filter out people with no interest in using the money properly.

Get Some Money Transfers Now

We Credit Your Account


$2,000 to $4,000


$5,000 to $7,000


$8,000 to $10,000


$50,000 (VIP)


$100,000 (VIP)


$200,000 (VIP)


Our money Transfer Services is  available to bank accounts, Cash App, TransferWise, Western Union, Coin-base wallets, all online money transfers, BTC and more.

This is not a business for children or time-wasters. Get instant money transfers to your bank account as well as unlimited funding—up to $10 million in a single transfer—to your business associates and trading partners for 90% less. What you can achieve with our bank transfer service is unlimited, unless you don’t know how to do business or probably spend money.

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We accept cryptocurrency payments for our users’ convenience as well as their safety.  A fresh wallet address is established for each user to facilitate payment tracking and transaction processing.

You’ve heard my story, and now it’s time to unlock your own. Now that you understand how my team and I can help you to initiate clean money transfers to your business projects and dreams, contact us now so we can  show you how to move to the financial stage you want.

Contact US Now

Now, there will be information that I share that you may or may not agree with. That’s perfectly fine. Everything I do to empower people financially comes from my experience, so it doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t make it wrong either; it just makes it my experience.

Now, you might have read a lot of different books on success, self-improvement, wealth, and business already. This article may not be your first “personal development rodeo.” Even though you learn a lot from different books and they teach you many different things, let me ask you a question.

Do you feel deep down there’s still a missing piece?

I’m not an original thinker. I’m an ex-banker with sophisticated knowledge on bank server development. I take ideas, make them better, and execute them better than most.

Most books will tell you to do this and don’t do that; don’t do this and do that instead. That’s not what I’m here to do. This article is here to share with you a new perspective and a system that shows you how to think differently. I’ve been creating bank servers for 18 years, and I can create transactions and send money to any bank account in the globe using my own framework.

My challenge as an ex-banker is to change the way you think. Changing the way you think will alter the way you do things.


Upgrade Your Wealth Today

The world is full of inequality: racial inequality, gender inequality, education inequality, political inequality, and, of course, economic inequality. You can see that the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer—the middle class is disappearing. Now, is this fair? I don’t know. All I know is that it’s what’s happening right now.

With all the instability and uncertainty surrounding the future, people are looking for answers more than ever. While it is true that information is more accessible than ever, it’s also true that misinformation is more accessible than ever.

I’m going to dispel some of the most dangerous “Wealth Myths” that I believe hold people back financially. At the end of this article, you’ll also see my Wealth  concept that will give insight into how you can advance in your financial life.

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The Truth Exposed

Have you ever seen pictures on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube showing the lifestyle of a “successful entrepreneur”? You know what I mean. The photos are showing off the cars they drive, their vacation spots, the homes they live in, and the life that they lead. It’s easy to look at that and think to ourselves: “I want that life too, so I’m going to start a business just like them. Then I’m going to drive a fancy car, live in a fancy house, have a model girlfriend, and travel to all the best places in the world.”

Well, sorry to break it to you. Every single mega-rich person you know has a hacker working secretly for them to pay for their luxurious lifestyle and celebrity spending.

A warning: owning a business will NOT give you more free time. It’s like caring for a baby. Babies and businesses need to be nurtured and fed; they require constant attention and care. New business owners have less, not more, free time.

Do You Know?

Celebrities and the majority of top business executives now rely on private bank server developers for quick, simple money to live the luxurious lifestyles they desire. You’ve probably heard about North Korea. The USA has done all in its power to undermine their nuclear program and economic development, but North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has an army of employees building and emptying bitcoin wallets and bank servers. It has been reported that North Korea utilized this strategy to steal more than $10 billion USD from countries around the world; there may have been more, but $10 billion is the amount that is now known.

Take Advantage Of Our Wealth Concept

You might be in debt, broke, or living paycheck to paycheck—whatever it is, your main focus is surviving. You feel like you are drowning and are gasping for air. I was stuck here for the longest time. However, if you push through and begin taking more responsibility for your life, you’ll make it to Security.


Even Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and other wealthy people keep their wealth by actively engaging in their financial interests. They all work. Instead of the word “passive,” which is very dangerous, I suggest using a different term: leveraged income. Leveraged income is income you generate by using other people’s resources, time, and money.

Get Some Money Transfers Now

We Credit Your Account


$2,000 to $4,000


$5,000 to $7,000


$8,000 to $10,000


$50,000 (VIP)


$100,000 (VIP)


$200,000 (VIP)


Are You Ready To Move Forward?

Most of the people—they have fancy ideas in the evening. But when they wake up in the day, they go back to do the same job. We have to do something different.

Gain Financial Confidence

It’s no longer the big fish eating the small fish—it’s the fast fish eating the slow fish.
Instead of financial freedom, I prefer financial confidence. It means knowing you have the skills and ability to make money, no matter what happens. It means you won’t need to rely on a boss to give you a raise. It means you don’t have to fear changes in the economy. It means you never have to feel at the mercy of external forces when it comes to your financial life. 
When you have financial confidence, it gives you real security, peace of mind, and comfort. That’s what you should aim for in your career. 
So how do you get that financial confidence? 
This concept is simple but very profound, it is not theory or philosophy. It comes from my personal experience and observations. Daily, it’s battle tested by clients all around the world.

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